Warrior Innocent Page 5
"And a bad —"
"Language," Lil Bit cut Tate off before he could finish. Laughing, Tate and Liam disappeared inside their hut.
Scout sank into the grass, pulling Trey down with her. She leaned on his shoulder and watched the warriors being healed in the valley below. "Do you ever think about home?"
Trey shrugged under her head. "Not much. There's nothing left there for me. My parents are lost, my brothers are here, and you and Lil Bit are here."
"What about football? And college? And everything we've worked for all these years?"
Trey sucked in a deep breath, tipping his head up to watch the stars. "I guess…I guess they just aren't that important anymore."
Scout sat up to look at him. "Really?"
"Yeah. I mean, it all seems so trivial when we're fighting battles and saving souls, you know? Maybe you don't. You were always the driven one." He reached out and caught a wild curl, sliding it between his fingers like it fascinated him.
She leaned her head back on his shoulder. "I think I'm still driven. I'm just…driven toward different things now. I feel like…I feel like this is where I belong."
Trey dropped the curl and caught her hand instead to kiss her knuckles. "Me, too."
"What if we win this war? What do we do when it's over? Do we go back to our lives?"
"Or do we stay here with Iros for eternity and guard the world from demons?" Trey finished her question.
Scout traced his fingers with her own. "That's crazy, right? How many demons can there be out there to fight? Do we really want to do this for eternity? Never go to college, never buy a house…"
Again, Trey took a deep breath, like it took courage to say what he was about to say. "I don't think it's crazy, Scout. This is the life I want…as long as you're in it."
She sighed. "I don't know what life I want. I've always had this plan…I don't quite know how to let it go."
"I know, Scout. Whither thou goest, I will go."
"You're late."
Scout shivered. It was always so cold in Aptavaras. It wasn't Ariston's voice sending chills down her spine. She wasn't afraid of him.
"Did you think I'd be on time when you sent that giant group of demons after me?"
Ariston smiled, cold and beautiful. "I sent them after my brother. You were just stupid enough to fight by his side."
"I am honored to fight by Iros's side. I would be honored to die fighting by Iros's side."
Ariston's smile grew, mocking her. "Spoken like a true warrior. Did you remind him of your loyalty when you told him of our plans to meet, Scout? Did you tell him of your secret liaison with the enemy?"
"Stop making it sound like it's a romantic getaway, Ariston. If I agree to dance for you, it will be to save my parents and Trey's parents."
Soul stealers howled in the background, but the screams of the souls trapped in Ariston's cage drowned them out. Scout searched the darkness of the castle behind Ariston, searching for her parents, searching for a way to save all the other souls. It was easier than meeting Ariston's black, black eyes.
Ariston chuckled and moved closer. Scout backed away—for every one of his steps, she took two backward. She couldn't let herself forget if he touched her in this dream world, she was lost. He would own her soul. And Scout had a feeling if he got it, he wouldn't be so careless as to lose it again.
"Do we have a deal then, Scout?" Under his careful words, she could hear the pain. The desperation for her, and for the peace she could bring. It was possible, in this war, that Ariston himself was the one hurt most.
"You'll give me my parents’ souls for one dance, and Trey's parents' souls for another?" She crossed her arms over her chest, trying to look braver than she felt.
He inclined his head, the blue moon glinting off his black hair. His beauty wasn't lost on her—it wasn't lost on anyone. But it was like looking at a corpse arranged for a funeral. There was no soul inside. No life, no laughter, no hope, and no dreams. Everything that truly made a person beautiful—Ariston lacked.
"Yes. We have a deal."
"Shake on it?" Ariston smirked and held out his hand.
Scout rolled her eyes. "Not a chance. When do I get my parents back?"
Ariston sighed in resignation. "When I find them. They're much like their daughters. Strong and resourceful. We've spotted them many times, but they always manage to escape."
"But they're alive?" Scout knew how stupid it was to let him hear the hope in her voice. It gave him power over her, something he would use against her. But she couldn't help it.
Ariston shrugged one shoulder. "Their souls are alive. I can't speak for their bodies." He raised an eyebrow thoughtfully. "I could send my pets to check on them for you."
Horror tore at her throat, causing her words to stumble and stutter. "You—no. Ariston, please."
And then a voice.
Lil Bit.
“Tell him to go ahead and try. He won't get near that hospital.”
Scout didn't know whether to panic because Lil Bit could obviously see into this dream, this dream where Scout was making deals with the devil—or be relieved because somehow her little sister had realized what Ariston would do and stopped him before he even had the idea.
Scout had no idea how Lil Bit was stopping him, though. But she had faith in her sister.
"Good luck with that." Scout glared at him.
"She's a thorn in my side, that one is. She saves and recruits far too many souls."
It was Scout's turn to smile. "And you can't stop her."
Ariston only scowled.
"If you want your dance, Ariston, find my parents and give them back." Scout deliberately backed away, feeling the bonds of the dream pulling at her, fighting against her will to be free. She'd never been able to escape from these dreams. Ashra or Lil Bit had always saved her.
“Anytime now, Lil Bit.”
She felt the small hands shaking her, breaking the bonds. As Ariston faded away, she heard his words again.
"I wait."
Scout gasped, and her eyes flew open. Trembling, she threw her arms around her little sister and hugged her tight. "One day, you'll get sick of saving me," she mumbled against Lil Bit's hair.
"Yeah, yeah." Lil Bit sat back, huge brown eyes wide as she met Scout's gaze. "What are you doing with him, Scout?"
Scout felt like a kid caught in trouble. She dropped her gaze, twisting her fingers together. "It's not what it looks like."
Lil Bit continued to watch her, saying nothing.
Scout finally looked up, but couldn't meet Lil Bit's eyes. "He comes to me in dreams. Every night. I can't escape them on my own, no matter how hard I try."
Lil Bit nodded.
"Last night, he said he could find mom and dad's souls, and he would give them back if I gave him something in return."
"He wants you to dance for him." Lil Bit nodded, apparently not surprised at all.
"Yes. And I agreed, because I would do anything to get them back, Lil Bit. Anything."
Lil Bit studied her with those big dark eyes for several long, drawn-out seconds. And then she nodded.
"I will help you."
Scout blinked stupidly. Where was the lecture she'd been expecting? "You'll what?"
Lil Bit left Scout's bed and went back to her own, climbing under the covers. She lay on her side and smiled at Scout, one hand tucked under her cheek. She was so innocent. So good. Scout could never possibly hope to be comparable to her baby sister, and she didn't care. All she had to do was be the person Lil Bit believed her to be, and that was good enough.
"Ariston deserves to be at peace sometimes. It must be very hard to hurt all of the time." Lil Bit's eyes slid closed while Scout stared at her in shock.
"Yes. I guess that's true," Scout said slowly. Lil Bit smiled again but didn't answer. Within seconds, she was breathing deep, slow breaths.
Scout leaned her back against the rough wall, watching her. "Ah, to be little," she murmured.
There would be no more sleep for her. She finally got up and wandered outside. The light was on in Iros's hut, so she went that way. Tapping lightly on the wall, she peeked in.
Aella smiled warmly, waving her in. "Can't sleep?"
Scout shrugged. "Nightmares."
Iros nodded knowingly. Ariston had tortured him for years with these "nightmares" as well. "He thinks you hold the key to getting into Paradesos. He won't let up."
Scout sank down on a chair across from him, next to Aella. "Always so full of good news, Iros."
He winked at her.
"We're trying to decide where best to station our new friends. Trying to judge where Ariston likes to send his forces most by mapping his previous attacks. I thought it would be Greece. Getting back at the roots that failed him and all that." Iros frowned. "But he stays away from Greece. It's one of the few places on earth he hasn't sent any attacks to."
Aella nudged a pin. "He kind of avoids that whole part of Europe, although he's hit the fringes a few times. He seems to be the most angry at North America."
"There isn't much left in North America to attack,” Scout said. Every time they flew through there, she saw fewer and fewer lights.
"It seems that Ari and her kind can see the demons. Their forces are scattered all over the world. They're fresh from a three-hundred-year war, and bored, apparently." Iros rubbed the bridge of his nose like the thought of boredom was inconceivable to him.
"Wait, so there are more of them than just the group we saw?" How had such a group hidden for so long? Scout had never even heard rumors of sorcerers with fire spells.
Iros nodded and Aella beamed. "Hundreds more. Unfortunately, they depleted their numbers quite a bit with all the fighting, but they're still a formidable group. When Lil Bit told me she was bringing me an army, she wasn't kidding. We'd not win this war without you and your sister, Scout,” Iros said
Scout shook her head. "It's not me. It's all her. That little girl moves mountains every day."
Aella took her hand. "I think it's more you than you will ever know. The strength and willingness you and Trey exhibit every time we ride into battle sends a message of hope and courage to all our new warriors."
Scout felt her cheeks redden, and ducked her head. "Thank you."
"So what do you think, Scout? Where should we send Ari's forces?"
Scout poured over the map. Her eyes burned and she fought to keep them open. "What are the most important cities in the U.S. and Canada? I mean as far as keeping the countries alive and running?"
The President and all his cabinet members had been taken weeks ago. And Scout had no faith fighting for Washington, D.C. would help anyone. "I think the most important thing now is food. Keep the farms open. Send anyone still alive to work the farms and live there, form colonies, you know? And then have Ari's forces protect them as much as possible."
Iros nodded, studying the map. Aella sat back, stretching. "I'll go tomorrow and see what I can find. We'll move on from there."
"You've got another big day of training." Iros stood up and stretched, too. Scout wondered how long they had been up, obsessing over these maps and the information they held. "Do you think you can sleep now?"
Scout yawned. "I hope so."
Ariston's voice echoed in her head. “I wait.”
Trey went running before the sun came up. It helped clear his head, and he never got tired of the Paradesos scenery. He’d found a path that led past the foals’ yard, and new baby unicorns learning to walk was quickly becoming his favorite thing to see so early. By the time he turned to go back, he felt more at peace than he had an hour ago.
He’d never been a morning person.
Scout was already up and waiting when Trey ducked through his doorway. She smiled up at him, but she had dark circles under her eyes. "Hey."
He studied her. "Hey. You okay?"
She yawned. "Nightmares. I'm okay. Apparently there's no concealer or any makeup whatsoever, actually, in Paradesos."
Tate came out, tugging his shirt over his head. "Kylin has lots. I saw her the other day without any on. She's as scary as the soul stealers."
Scout tried to hide a smirk with another yawn. Tate ruffled her hair and headed down to the valley floor, where their trainees were already assembling. Trey pulled her to her feet, still studying the exhaustion in her face. "What kind of nightmares?"
She shrugged and looked away. "Just…the normal kind."
Trey raised an eyebrow when she peeked through her hair at him, and she sighed. "It's Ariston. Nightmares about Ariston."
Trey's hands curled into fists as he said through gritted teeth, "Nightmares about Ariston, or nightmares where Ariston comes and visits you and holds you captive while he tries to steal your soul?"
She raised his hand to eye level and peeled his fingers out of their fist. "Both, actually."
Fighting the urge to punch something, because there was nothing to punch, he growled. "That's it. You're staying with me from now on."
Scout smiled.
"I'm not saying that just because I've been trying to get you to stay with me for the past…I don't know. But that's not why I'm saying that."
Her smile grew, and she raised her eyebrows.
Finally laughing, he took her hand and twined his fingers through hers. "Stop that. I know what you're doing." He kissed her fingers while she laughed. Practically dancing down the hill toward the recruits, exhaustion was forgotten.
For the moment.
The riders were in several small groups, their unicorns next to them. Quiet chatter and low laughter echoed across the meadow. Trey could feel their eyes on him, and his adrenaline jumped, giving him courage—just like when he played football. He didn't actually like being in front of people or the center of attention. Especially without any armor or at least a helmet on.
Torz and Ashra landed next to them. The power of their wings sent a stiff breeze that ruffled Scout's hair. It curled and twined across Trey's face, smelling of lilacs and sweet peas. She'd used the same shampoo when they were together before. The smell now did weird things to his pulse, his blood rocketing through his veins.
"One day, when this war is over, we're going to be a real couple and do couple things. Like go to a movie and play video games on the couch."
Scout grinned over at him. "Okay."
He freed her fingers, and she cupped her hands around her mouth. "Who's ready for more training?"
The cheers this time were more enthusiastic than yesterday, but still slightly lackluster. Scout looked over her shoulder at him, and he shrugged. Learning to fight in a war they had a strong chance of dying in wasn't exactly anyone's idea of a good time.
"Well. Okay then." Scout cleared her throat. "Let's go over the different attacks. Keep in mind, though, that if you have bonded with your unicorn, there will be times when you come up with completely different ways to fight, some of which we don't have names for. In the heat of battle, don't worry about which attack should come next. Instead, try to listen to your unicorn, feel in your heart what his or her next move will be, and go with that."
She was met with blank stares.
"Try not to be too controlling," Trey said helpfully. "The Irwarros have been fighting for hundreds of years. Follow their lead."
“Did you hear that, princess? Follow our lead.” Ashra snickered, and Scout scowled at her.
"All I do is follow your lead."
"Ladies?" Tate asked. "Focus, please."
"Right. Sorry." Turning back to the crowd below them, Scout raised her voice again. "Let's get started."
They spent hours upon hours teaching everyone the many different attacks. The skies were full of flames and sparks as the Irwarros ran the new recruits through their paces. Scout and Trey wore themselves out trying to keep up with all the questions, concerns, and random terrified squeals. Tate and Liam helped as best they could, and Lil Bit made a rare appearance to help out, too. By nightfall, everyone was exh
"How many more days of training will we have before we're sent out to fight?"
Trey looked up from the wound Torz was trying to heal. The girl wasn't very big, maybe thirteen or fourteen at the most. "Sienna, right?"
She nodded. If Trey remembered right, those were her sister and brother standing behind her, sweaty, faces red with exhaustion.
Scout landed next to them, sliding off Ashra's back. She flopped on the ground next to Trey and laid her head against his shoulder. Absently taking Scout’s hand, he tried his best to answer Sienna without scaring her half to death.
"It could be tomorrow. It could be a week or a month from now. It all depends on the soul stealers." Shrugging, he continued, "When they attack, we fight back."
"I'm scared," Carson said. It made Trey's heart ache, because he wasn't very old at all, and the little blond next to him was even younger.
Lil Bit appeared out of nowhere. "Have you ever seen my sister dance?"
A random question, for sure, but apparently, they had. Carson nodded. "We saw her dance when we were in the cage."
Ah. So they were rescued souls from Ariston's lair. No wonder they were scared.
"Then you know how comforting it is. Maybe…" Lil Bit opened her eyes big and wide, looking as innocent as possible when she turned toward Scout. "Maybe she could dance for us?"
Scout looked positively exhausted. Truthfully, she hadn't looked all that bright-eyed when they'd started this, hours and hours ago. Trey watched as she found strength from somewhere and sat up, smiling. "I have a better idea."
She grabbed their hands and rose to her feet. "We just need music…"
"My friend Bekah can sing," Sienna offered.
Bekah looked up from where she was sitting nearby. "What?"
Sienna gave her an encouraging smile, and Scout nodded enthusiastically. "Do you know any good dancing songs?"
An enthusiastic blonde girl sitting next to Bekah hopped to her feet. "Oh! I know! That new one that just came out before the world ended. About how dancing makes everything all better! I'll sing with you."
Scout's smile grew. Turning to the small crowd that had gathered around her, she said, "My dancing has the ability to soothe, for some unknown reason. But do you know what's even better than watching someone else do it? Doing it yourselves. Dance with me. You'll feel better."